Dr Reuben Rideaux is a Senior Lecturer and NHMRC Emerging Leadership Fellow at the University of Sydney's School of Psychology, and an Honorary Senior Research Fellow at the Queensland Brain Institute. Prior to this, he was a Leverhulme Early Career Fellow at the University of Cambridge and a PhD student at the Australian National University. He combines computational modelling, brain imaging, and psychophysics to study perception and cognition. He has a particular interest in developing new methods for understanding brain function and dysfunction, such as bio-inspired artificial intelligence systems, high resolution functional MR spectroscopy, and neural decoding. He Chairs the Early Career Researcher Committee of the Australian Cognitive Neuroscience Society, and regularly speaks about his work to research groups, health professionals, politicians, and the media. In addition to supervision of graduate and postgraduate students, Reuben enjoys participating in public outreach activities aimed at communicating the importance sensory and cognitive neuroscience research to the public and encouraging school students consider a career in neuroscience research.